Polyvagal Informed Productivity

“AKA” The Weekly Sweep

A time management and executive functions support group
for ADHD using the Felt Sense Polyvagal Model

Led by Jessica Zormann, MEd RP FOT CCC-S

Thank you so much for your interest, registration is now closed. Use the button below to sign up to be notified for the next round!

You’ve probably already figured out, we can’t actually control or manage time. What we can learn to manage are our attention and emotions. We need executive functions to do that well.

If our executive functions are working well, we can better keep track of and stay focused on what’s most important to us. Executive functions can also help us to figure out what those most important things are.

With a regular embodiment practice you can strengthen your executive functioning skills by learning how to regulate your nervous system. With this as a foundation, you can then build a time management system that helps you stay focused so you can consistently move forward toward your goals.

Here’s a sneak peak of how I will structure the weekly meetings:

10:15 - 10:30 - Focusing exercise (15 min)

I call it an attention ritual - a Focusing exercise to help bring your attention from scattered to (more) focused so you can participate in the group and get the most out of each session.

These exercises are trauma and addictions informed so if closing your eyes and getting quiet with your inner thoughts freaks you out, don’t worry, I’ve got attention exercises for you too.

10:30 - 10:45 - Building and refining your calendar and notebook system + effective inner coach (15 min)

Here you will actually pull out your calendar and notebook so you can create and regularly refine a system that works best for you.

Warning - this part can get icky (when you realize you haven’t looked at your calendar or notebook all week!) We will use these real-time road blocks to help you get better at connecting with and regulating your nervous system so that you can coach yourself through flops like that.

10:45 - 11:15 - Discussion, Q+A (30 min)

Once we’ve started digging into our calendar and notebook systems, questions will naturally arise. This is the part of the group where we will troubleshoot roadblocks together and where I might introduce evidence based strategies from behavioural economics and psychophysiology. 

Just a heads up, there is contradicting advice, but we will navigate that together.

What you'll get:

  • Real time Focusing practice that will help you connect with your body to better regulate attention and emotions

  • An opportunity to meet and work with a Focusing partner (an enhanced version of body doubling)

  • Guidance and support to build your own system to keep track of what's most important to you

  • Embodied exercises to help you figure out what that might be

  • Self-talk skills to coach yourself effectively in between weekly meetings

  • The opportunity to ask me about your specific road blocks

  • Group accountability

This group will be focused on psychoeducation which means that we will not be getting into personal history or doing group therapy. Instead, the emphasis will be on learning concepts and developing skills together.

The cost of this group will be $400 + HST CAD for the 8 weeks (less than the cost of two individual 55 min sessions with me).

If you have questions, including sliding scale options, please check out the FAQ’s. If your question isn’t answered or you would like further clarification on something you can email me directly.

Thank you so much for your interest, registration is now closed. Use the button below to sign up to be notified for the next round!